The Pulse – Cardiology

February 22, 2022

February is Heart Month – a time to honour the experiences of children and families battling heart disease in B.C., and the work of the cardiac team at BC Children’s Hospital to provide them with the best possible care.

In the latest edition of The Pulse, our virtual webinar series, Dr. Shubhayan Sanatani, Head of Cardiology at BC Children’s Hospital, shares how his team is advancing groundbreaking research and bringing new hope to kids battling childhood heart disease.

See below to watch a recording of the Pulse.


Q&A Highlights with Dr. Shubhayan Sanatani, MD, BSc

  • What is it about the cardiology department at BC Children’s Hospital that attracts such incredible talent? 27:46
  • What innovative technology and equipment do you [Dr. Sanatani] get excited about putting in place today that will be used five or ten years into the future? 30:04
  • How far away are we from using stem cells to fix pacemaker issues? 32:49
  • Has any research been conducted on COVID-19 and the effects or impact it might have on children with congenital heart defects or heart disease? 33:53
  • How can parents and caregivers support children in being more “heart” healthy – are there any behaviours that can help promote cardiovascular health? 36:40
  • If the cardiology department at BC Children’s Hospital had $10M dollars to spend right now, how would you [Dr. Sanatani] and your team invest that and what impact would you hope it would bring to BC’s kids? 39:43

Other Questions

As there wasn’t time to answer all the thoughtful questions received during the event, we followed up with Dr. Shubhayan Sanatani to answer more of your questions related to cardiology and cardiac care.

Please check back here next week for the answers to your questions.

Please note, if your question was specific to your child or family, please reach out to your medical team or family physician directly.


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BCCH patient, Maeli

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