Honouring Aisha’s memory

I feel privileged to have known Aisha and been part of her care team during some really incredibly challenging times. I was always impressed by her resilience and positivity in the face of some truly complex medical issues.
– Dr. Andrea Human, pediatric rheumatologist, BC Children’s Hospital

AishaAn avid horseback rider and teacher, brimming with warmth, and always positive. And a beautiful soul. This is how Aisha’s family will always remember her.

On February 15, 2021, 18-year-old Aisha passed away due to complications from a rare and life-threatening autoimmune disorder known as Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. Although she was young, the impact she left on her family, friends and the community—including her health care team at BC Children’s Hospital—was profound.

“Though she was unwell, she always had a positive outlook, full of giggles and warmth,” said her family. “We are so proud of our Aisha and the woman she had become.”

To honour Aisha’s memory, her parents, Helen and Joe, and siblings, Quinn and Liam, made a generous donation towards the establishment of the Family Endowment for Rheumatology Research. They were supported by BC Children’s Hospital’s Dr. Lori Tucker, division head, division of rheumatology, and Dr. David Cabral, attending rheumatologist.

“I would like to thank the Visram family on behalf of the many children in BC with autoimmune and rheumatic diseases, and their families,” said Dr. Tucker. “Research is their hope for the future.”


This article was originally featured in the Spring 2022 issue of Shine magazine.
Shine Spring 2022 | Download the PDF