The Experts of Tomorrow: From Local to Global

Mighty strides can start with one idea, one action or one opportunity. One way BC Children’s Hospital is working towards the best health care imaginable for kids is by focusing on training the brightest minds of tomorrow. Through fellowships, BC Children’s welcomes qualified health care professionals and researchers from across the globe to come train with its expert clinicians and researchers. This program has helped transfer knowledge and shape the future of children’s health care—from Victoria, Canada to Nairobi, Kenya.

At BC Children’s, clinical fellows undergo one to three years of additional subspecialty training in a specific area of care. They take part in intensive, hands-on training to gain the expertise and advanced skills they need to provide the highest level of care to children and their families. Fellows come from different areas of the world to learn at BC Children’s Hospital, creating a legacy of care, learning and sharing for years to come both in Canada and globally.

Most fellowships are funded through BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, supported by generous donors like you. Thank you for investing in the future of child health.


  • Richard Thomson, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, London, United Kingdom
    • “Lots of clinical opportunities, lots of research opportunities. It’s great to be in a different health care system. You get a unique perspective on how to treat patients.”
  • Karley Talbot, Pediatric Psychology, Victoria, Canada
    • “I’ve been able to get exposure to a new type of population and use my neurophysiology knowledge I’ve acquired through school to a new population with different medical conditions I would not have access to otherwise.”
  • Jessica Tam, Dental Fellow, Montreal, Canada
    • “There’s something about BC Children’s Hospital that is so special. This wouldn’t be possible without all the donors. Thank you for all you provide for us. I am so glad I got to come back and participate in this journey.”
  • Elaine Redmond, Pediatric Urology Fellow, Cork, Ireland
    • “Next year I am going to return to Cork in Ireland and I am going to bring back everything I’ve learned since coming here.”
  • Njalalle Baraza, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Fellow, Nairobi, Kenya
    • “The donors who help bring people like me to Western Canada to learn these skills—I’d like to thank them for the opportunity to learn. It is my hope that I can use what I’ve learned here and start similar projects when I go back home.”


  • 120+ Clinical and Surgical Fellows at BC Children’s Hospital
  • Honing their skills across 20+ areas of care

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