Make this year’s birthday one to remember

Fundraise online

Birthday donations


Have a birthday coming up? Consider asking for donations this year to make your big day even more special.

Birthday donations can take many forms, such as asking loved ones to make a donation to support our cause in lieu of all gifts. Or maybe you’d rather host a toonie or 50/50 party—where you keep one toonie or half the money you receive for a gift for yourself and then donate the other half to kids in need. Whatever you decide, you’ll be making a lasting impact for the kids at BC Children’s Hospital.

How it works


The first step is easy. Just ask your family and friends to donate to BC Children’s Hospital either in addition to or in lieu of your birthday gift this year.


If you throw a birthday bash, you can collect cash or cheques. Or if you’d rather go digital, create and customize your own online fundraising page where friends can donate.


We always love thanking our supporters in person. So if you’re in the area, come visit us and have your photo taken with a big cheque. Kids will also earn a membership with the Sunny Bear Birthday Club, a recognition program designed to help make donating through their birthday a memorable experience.

Need help? We’re here to answer all of your questions. Email us at or contact us.


BC Children's is the only hospital in the province devoted exclusively to children


kids visited the hospital for specialized pediatric services last year


researchers on our campus work tirelessly to discover new treatments

Overcoming remarkable odds

"Blayke may never be able to conquer Turner syndrome fully, but she fights every day to make sure it doesn’t stop her from being her." — Cassandra, Blayke's mom

Blayke's story
BCCH patient, Blayke

Our priorities

More than a million kids count on BC Children's Hospital. We're on a quest to transform health care for all of them.

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Your impact

Donors like you are the reason we can aim higher for our kids. Discover the successes that you’ve made possible.

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Join The League of Mighty

Big breakthroughs take time. When you become a monthly donor, you provide experts with continuous support—so they can pursue ambitious advancements in child health. 

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