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Here—in one single place—you can keep a pulse on the latest that’s happening to advance children’s health care. You’ll see how fundraising dollars are being spent and learn about some of our most recent strides.

Remembering Stephanie Carlson, a visionary for pediatric health care

On February 28, 2024, we lost an important pillar of our community: Stephanie Carlson. From the moment Stephanie became involved with BC Children’s Hospital Foundation over three decades ago, she left an indelible mark on everything she touched.

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A chat with Dr. Sharon Smile

“We are determined to optimize the care we provide, ensuring that everyone who requires it receives the support they need.” — Dr. Sharon Smile

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Tackling pain: The Body’s 5th Vital Sign

Whether it’s the sharp sting of a needle, acute discomfort that follows surgery or the persistent aches of chronic migraines, pain is a common experience for many children who visit the hospital.

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Honouring a visionary thinker in Zach’s memory

When a child is diagnosed with cancer, they embark on a journey with their family filled with fear and uncertainty. It’s in these darkest moments that the dedication of their health care team shines brightest, bringing hope when it’s needed most.

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Child and Youth Therapeutic Services article

Hospitals can be intimidating for a sick child. That’s where Child and Youth Therapeutic Services come in, supporting patients through programs like child life , music therapy, pet therapy and therapeutic clowning

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Historic surgery a big win for tiny hearts.

Last fall, something remarkable took place at BC Children’s: for the first time in Canada a tiny, modified pacemaker was placed inside a newborn’s heart.

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Diving into the unknown

Inside the quest to unravel the mysterious world of the immune system

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Bringing life-saving care to the comfort of home

Learn how the innovative Pediatric IV Outpatient Therapy (PIVOT) program is bringing life-saving care to the comfort of home for patients like Navy.

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Healing with a dose of technology

Since the Digital Lab at BC Children’s Hospital launched seven years ago, it’s been bringing patient-centered care to entirely new heights.

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Honouring Indigenous children: past, present and future

As part of an ongoing commitment to reconciliation, a mural was commissioned to welcome visitors to campus—and to signify BC Children’s unwavering commitment to Indigenous children and families.

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BC Children's is the only hospital in the province devoted exclusively to children


kids visited the hospital for specialized pediatric services last year


researchers on our campus work tirelessly to discover new treatments

Overcoming remarkable odds

"Blayke may never be able to conquer Turner syndrome fully, but she fights every day to make sure it doesn’t stop her from being her." — Cassandra, Blayke's mom

Blayke's story
BCCH patient, Blayke

Our priorities

More than a million kids count on BC Children's Hospital. We're on a quest to transform health care for all of them.

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Your impact

Donors like you are the reason we can aim higher for our kids. Discover the successes that you’ve made possible.

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Join The Mighty

A monthly gift allows us to take on the mightiest of challenges knowing that you are in our corner. Join the mighty by becoming a monthly donor today.