Author: bcchf_admin

Latest news


Here—in one single place—you can keep a pulse on the latest that’s happening to advance children’s health care. You’ll see how fundraising dollars are being spent and learn about some of our most recent strides.

Mighty equipment changes lives

Each year, donations to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation support over 1,000 pieces of specialized pediatric equipment. Read about some of the specialized equipment supported by donors like you.

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Getting personal: The promise of precision medicine

Guided by the principles of precision medicine, Dr. Rassekh and his team crafted a personalized treatment plan to give Rylie the best possible chance to overcome her cancer.

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The healing power of art

Art may not be the first thing you connect with a hospital—but for kids and their families, it can be the salve that soothes the most. Learn more about one of these awe-inspiring pieces created by Chrystal Sparrow, Musqueam Coast Salish artist.

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Healing with compassion, in memory of Zach

Read how the work of Kristina Jackson and the Child Life team brighten the hospital experience for children through evidence-based techniques like therapeutic play and music therapy—supported by inspiring donors like the Zach Prince Foundation.

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Help when it’s needed most

The social work team at BC Children’s Hospital are a lifeline for many patients and their families, providing emotional support and critical resources when they’re needed most.

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Changing lives, one milligram at a time

Learn how virtual treatments are changing the lives of kids with severe food allergies, from infancy to adolescence.

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